VICI Dolls Collection (Another Rad Brand!)


Hannah Bizick - as you can tell from my Instagram feed, she is one of my favorite models! I know, I know. You might be shaking your head at me saying, “Christine, it’s bad to have favorites!”

Trust me, I totally get it, but Hannah is hands down one of my favorites. We collaborate so well and she makes every photo shoot such a blast!

For this shoot, we started off with a cheetah print style and slowly evolved into other styles. It was awesome watching Hannah gracefully give every outfit a different personality, yet at the same, time she kept everything cohesive. So cool, right? Honestly, the shoot turned out lovely, it was a pleasure shooting for this brand!

By the way, can we talk about those warm tone backgrounds? They are just so cozy! Everyone asks me for the whereabouts of this location — but sorry I can’t disclose! This location is a friend’s house, so we need to keep that private! However, cheer up because there are several, beautiful locations that I can recommend to you. If you’re looking for a location similar to this one, message me and I can help you out!

Anyway, the shots with the white jumpsuit are honestly my favorite edits I’ve ever done! I’ve been trying to work on a technique to recreate these same edits again, but sometimes things just work out once!

I hope you enjoy the two brands that I posted!

-XOXO Christine and Alondra