My Top 10 Favorite Amazon Baby Essentials for First Time Moms


I have learned so much over the past couple months being a new mom. This includes finding out which products work best for my baby, Beau. Here are my top 10 favorite Amazon Baby Items that I recommend for first time moms.


10. Car Diaper Caddy

I love staying organized with a newborn. I found this fits perfectly right next to my stroller and my Mazda, SUV. It holds in my diapers, carriers for my baby, wipes, and a change of outfit. It is seriously one of the best organizers for your car and super sturdy.


9. Thermometer

This thermometer has been awesome because it turns green or red if he has a temperature. It is super simple to use and connects with your phone. I keep it in my diaper bag.

8. Burp Cloths

I love the all white muslim burp cloths! We’ve bought about 3 packs of them and we go through them so fast with how often he spits up. They’ve held up really nice!


7. Breast Pump Holder

This is a great holder for working mamas. It holds my two full milk holders with the Elvie, the plugs, and all of the compartments. It has been really easy with traveling on the go and pumping.


6. Teethers

These 3 teethers have been a life saver. One I can put my breast milk in which is amazing and so good for him. It doesn’t melt all over. The other two just pop in the freezer, and it’s really helped with his teething process. I would highly recommend them.


5. Stroller Fan

I love this one because it has 3 settings making it very powerful. We bring it everywhere with us in the Florida heat. It straps on our stroller, the car seat, and we can strap it on pretty much any object because it just wraps around tight.

4. Baby Car Mirror

With other cheaper mirrors, I had a really hard time, but this one is a plastic mirror. It’s not glass so it’s not easily breakable. What I love is that it attaches to the back of the head rest. You can move it around on a swivel to the height that you need. Some of them attach on and you can’t move them. However, this one has a ball in the back where you can move it which makes it super easy. I’m so glad I did a lot of research and picked this mirror.

3. Wipes Dispenser

We’ve tried other wipes dispensers that are cute, but when you go to grab one, a bunch of wipes come out. It’s not heavy enough. This one has a weighted part inside of it that keeps the wipes down and pulls up the next wipe for you. It seriously makes diaper changing so much easier.


2. Sleep Swaddle

He sleeps in this every night. We have three of them and we love them. It helps him to sleep through the night and to sleep over at friends and families houses easily. It keeps him from waking himself up with his startle reflex. It is seriously the easiest thing to shop on and zip up. Plus it has breathable mesh. This is my favorite sleeping swaddle.

1. Pacifier

I’ve researched so many organic pacifiers. One thing I struggled to find was a natural pacifier. I was looking for a more natural, rubbered binky, but I couldn’t find any on the market that had great reviews.

I finally found this one and my son loves it so much! However, you do have to change it every three to six months because its a natural rubber.

This pacifier was so worth it because:

  • I tried the bibs and I didn’t like it because it seemed like dirt got caught between the binky, the pacifier, and the pacifier base.

  • My son never took the full silicone ones because he didn’t like the shapes of them as much as the natural rubber nipple. He ended up loving this pacifier because it has a bigger nipple and touches his nose to represent a breast. We bought a bunch of them to have them around the house.

Check out more of my favorite baby items by visiting my Amazon Page Below!